To create art that inspires and encourages while magnifying the simple beauty all around us.
Karen has been in love with drawing and representational art all her life. She started as a young girl, fascinated with replicating faces, animals, cartoons, albums covers and logos! She carried on with her artistic development by going to art school, obtaining a degree in Fine Arts. Further education in Communications and Design cemented her love of Graphic Design and the art of lettering.
After a few years doing pencil portraits on paper and various 'real' jobs, Karen had an idea that would couple her love of art and the natural world! ArtRocks,by Karen was born with her first fox on a rock back in 1998. After 22 years of a growing her own unique brand of painted rocks, Karen's inspirational stones have become her main expression. Through words and image, she hopes to remind those who see her stones of beauty, gratitude and positivity. Karen continues to stretch her artistic skills by taking art courses, the latest being letterpress and screen printing . Her paper line now includes her letterpress cards and screen-printed work!